1. Who was the intended audience for your website?
The intended audience for my website is people between the age of sixteen to twenty five that like horror and thriller movies.
2. What was the purpose of the website (e.g. entertainment, educational, commercial)?
The purpose of my website was both entertainment and commercial. Its purpose was to promote the up coming feature film called HIDE AND SEEK...
3. Did your site cover its topic/intended purpose? Why or why not?
I think that my site does cover its intended purpose as it successfully promotes the upcoming feature film. It includes many different pages that intrigue movie goers to go see the film.
4. How have the audience and intended purpose influenced the content of your site (e.g. in terms of language, vocabulary, graphics, media, layout of pages and overall structure of the site)?
Since the people who would be looking at my website would be fans of horror and thriller films I have made the content of my site scary and themed like the movie.
5. Are headings and keywords consistent in terms of font type, colour, style and emphasis?
Yes all of my heading and keywords are consistent in font type, color, style and emphasis because it is important that the site feels like one site instead of separate pages.
6. Are links logical and well-planned? How many clicks is one too many?
I think that my links are logical as I have most of them all on one menu page that has everything the viewer needs. I think it is important that there are not to many links on a page or it will ruin the website and make it too crowded.
7. When you “go” somewhere, can you get back again…or are you lost in cyber-space?
In my website it is easy for the user to return to where they were as up the top of every page are links to every page on the site.
8. Is the colour scheme appropriate and aesthetically pleasing?
The colour scheme I have chosen is extremely appropriate and is the typical color scheme for horror movies. It is also easy to read.
9. Have you considered an appropriate name for your film?
Yes, I have considered an appropriate name for my film as it describes the movie very well as well as including how young the victims are by naming it after a children's game.
10. Do the elements of design evident in the site (e.g. balance, space, contrast etc) reflect the purpose or nature of the site? Are there visual clues to the intended purpose of the site? How would different colour schemes/textures/font styles change the message of the site?
The elements of design evident in the site perfectly reflect the purpose and nature of the site. The Black and Red reflect on the blood and death throughout the film. The photos are all edited to look scarier than the originals and even the text is designed with a scary affect.
11. How have the audience and purpose of the website affected decisions made in relation to:
a. Font/graphics ?
b. Page layout ?
c. Structure of the online resource?
The audience and purpose of the website greatly affected the decisions I made about design greatly as I tried to make sure the design matched the theme and design of the film. I also made sure the design was crried the whole way throughout the site.
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