Sunday, November 7, 2010
Mr Powell said that I needed to have more than three blogs so my fourth blog is telling you how i needed to have a fourth blog :)
I think that overall I did pretty well with my assignment. I completed in good time before the due date and was impressed that I was able to make a proper working website.
- Names and logos on the right corner
- Links to the right hand side
- Big images makes people interested
- Links to the right hand side
- Big images makes people interested
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My Final Scenes
During the course of the two terms that Brooke and I have worked on this movie there has been alot of work and obsticles and dissapering of scenes and just about every problem you could have when making a movie but finally we finished!!!
In the past few weeks we have been rapidly photo shopping over 200 frames, editting, adding effects and music, adding titles and all sorts of things but when the bell went we were finished! Everything was done and despite all of the changes we made and the differences our movie has to our original idea it is exactly what we wont it to be...
In the past few weeks we have been rapidly photo shopping over 200 frames, editting, adding effects and music, adding titles and all sorts of things but when the bell went we were finished! Everything was done and despite all of the changes we made and the differences our movie has to our original idea it is exactly what we wont it to be...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Year 9 Creative Media
Appraising Animation
1. Select one clip to analyze and interpret
After viewing all three of Matreyeks works that we could choose to analyze for this task I have chosen to do Factory. In this clip the creator has used many different programs to combine humans with factory equipment and movement. Also in this clip Matreyek has combined the appropriate sounds and sound effects to suit the scene and they are all on certain cues to mach up with there part in the clip.
2. Focus questions
In this clip there are many different visual things going on. There is a massive moving background with factory machinery and workers. Then in the foreground there are humans moving with oversized equipment in some scenes. In others there are people in what looks to be a control booth running the whole factory. The people sitting in the booths are robotically pressing buttons and turning knobs.
My overall impression of the mood of the work is that it is very busy and quite frankly boring. I do not strongly like this video but what I do like about this video is all of the different techniques that the creator has used and the skill that was required to create this clip.
In this clip it is easy to see all of the visual language and sound cues because all of the sounds match up with a piece of machinery or equipment doing some sort of movement or job. For example each time the man pushes down on the over sized spanner the sound that matched it plays in sync with the movement. You can also clearly see all of the editing as it is all of the things that you would not usually be found in that scene and also when it goes from one scene to another.
3. Analyze
The atmosphere for this film was done extremely well. The background is very detailed and life like but still has an animated feel about it. All of the shapes in this background all work really well together and the use of black and white in this clip gives it a very aged feel which suits it. All of these things work together to create a great background for the film and this really takes the film that next step up.
Performance of the characters:
There are not actually many different people involved in the on screen part of this clip because most of it is just the same person doing the same thing bu multiplied so it looks like a lot of people. One example of this is at the very start of the clip when the lady workers are all walking in. When watching it, it just looks like a lot of people walking into work when actually it is one person doing the exact same person doing the exact same thing just repeated over and over at different times. All of the people in this clip seem to all have a very robotic sense to them which completely ties in with the rest of the clip.
The main part of creating this film would have been the editing. There would have been a lot complex technique and skill put in to make all the different parts of the film flow and work together. You can see in the film all the different types of making films that he has used. Adding all of the music and sound effects would have also taken a lot of patience and skill to put them all at the exact right time and layering them all over the top of each other.
Directors Fingerprints:
The director of this film, Matreyek, defiantly puts his own fingerprints on his work. A reoccurring feature in all of his films is the use of human body parts doing things that would not happen in real life. One example of that in Factory is when the giant hand comes out of the ceiling and has the job of a crane.
4. Interpretation
My interpretation of the work is that although it is a very complex and skillful piece of work it is really quite boring. I think although this is the case it is also a very different and creative work that most people would never come up with. I am not really sure to what meaning is behind this piece of work but whatever it is it has left a lot of room for interpretation.
When I surveyed my family I had a range of different responses. My youngest siblings who are six, seven and eight all thought that it was interesting and cool but couldnt figure out why it looked so old. My twelve year old sister thought that it was intersesting but got a bit boring after a while and my thirteen year old brother didnt have the patience to stay in the room to watch it.
The more i seem to watch it the more I seem to like it as you seem to see something new each time you see it. When I surveyed my mum though who probably wouldnt like her age in my creative media assignment, she had the most positive response of everyone. She thought that " It was very interesting and out there" which helps me decide on who this film was targeted at.
I think that after surveying family and friends from all different age groups, although my seven year old brother thought it was “ fully sick” I think that the intended age group for this piece of Matreyeks work was probably from around older teenagers and adults.
The way that the visual imagery informs my interpretation of this clip is the way he has used everyday items in ways we would usually never even think of. I think that Matreyek has put a lot of imagination into this work to make it like nothing we have ever seen before.
Matreyeks use of sound in this piece of work made the clip even better. Adding the machinery noises to all of the moving hands and things like that made it more obvious as to really what there part in the film was and made it all tie together really well.
Year 9 Creative Media
Appraising Animation
1. Select one clip to analyze and interpret
After viewing all three of Matreyeks works that we could choose to analyze for this task I have chosen to do Factory. In this clip the creator has used many different programs to combine humans with factory equipment and movement. Also in this clip Matreyek has combined the appropriate sounds and sound effects to suit the scene and they are all on certain cues to mach up with there part in the clip.
2. Focus questions
In this clip there are many different visual things going on. There is a massive moving background with factory machinery and workers. Then in the foreground there are humans moving with oversized equipment in some scenes. In others there are people in what looks to be a control booth running the whole factory. The people sitting in the booths are robotically pressing buttons and turning knobs.
My overall impression of the mood of the work is that it is very busy and quite frankly boring. I do not strongly like this video but what I do like about this video is all of the different techniques that the creator has used and the skill that was required to create this clip.
In this clip it is easy to see all of the visual language and sound cues because all of the sounds match up with a piece of machinery or equipment doing some sort of movement or job. For example each time the man pushes down on the over sized spanner the sound that matched it plays in sync with the movement. You can also clearly see all of the editing as it is all of the things that you would not usually be found in that scene and also when it goes from one scene to another.
3. Analyze
The atmosphere for this film was done extremely well. The background is very detailed and life like but still has an animated feel about it. All of the shapes in this background all work really well together and the use of black and white in this clip gives it a very aged feel which suits it. All of these things work together to create a great background for the film and this really takes the film that next step up.
Performance of the characters:
There are not actually many different people involved in the on screen part of this clip because most of it is just the same person doing the same thing bu multiplied so it looks like a lot of people. One example of this is at the very start of the clip when the lady workers are all walking in. When watching it, it just looks like a lot of people walking into work when actually it is one person doing the exact same person doing the exact same thing just repeated over and over at different times. All of the people in this clip seem to all have a very robotic sense to them which completely ties in with the rest of the clip.
The main part of creating this film would have been the editing. There would have been a lot complex technique and skill put in to make all the different parts of the film flow and work together. You can see in the film all the different types of making films that he has used. Adding all of the music and sound effects would have also taken a lot of patience and skill to put them all at the exact right time and layering them all over the top of each other.
Directors Fingerprints:
The director of this film, Matreyek, defiantly puts his own fingerprints on his work. A reoccurring feature in all of his films is the use of human body parts doing things that would not happen in real life. One example of that in Factory is when the giant hand comes out of the ceiling and has the job of a crane.
4. Interpretation
My interpretation of the work is that although it is a very complex and skillful piece of work it is really quite boring. I think although this is the case it is also a very different and creative work that most people would never come up with. I am not really sure to what meaning is behind this piece of work but whatever it is it has left a lot of room for interpretation.
When I surveyed my family I had a range of different responses. My youngest siblings who are six, seven and eight all thought that it was interesting and cool but couldnt figure out why it looked so old. My twelve year old sister thought that it was intersesting but got a bit boring after a while and my thirteen year old brother didnt have the patience to stay in the room to watch it.
The more i seem to watch it the more I seem to like it as you seem to see something new each time you see it. When I surveyed my mum though who probably wouldnt like her age in my creative media assignment, she had the most positive response of everyone. She thought that " It was very interesting and out there" which helps me decide on who this film was targeted at.
I think that after surveying family and friends from all different age groups, although my seven year old brother thought it was “ fully sick” I think that the intended age group for this piece of Matreyeks work was probably from around older teenagers and adults.
The way that the visual imagery informs my interpretation of this clip is the way he has used everyday items in ways we would usually never even think of. I think that Matreyek has put a lot of imagination into this work to make it like nothing we have ever seen before.
Matreyeks use of sound in this piece of work made the clip even better. Adding the machinery noises to all of the moving hands and things like that made it more obvious as to really what there part in the film was and made it all tie together really well.
Year 9 Creative Media
Appraising Animation
TASK : Watch excerpts from the work of Miwa Matreyek, Multimedia Artist.
Take notes on your blog and then write a 600 word appraisal of one of Matreyek's works.
Appraisal = Describe what you see and hear, Analyse the Media Language and Interpret the Meaning
Use correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, referencing and bibliography.
1. Watch these sequences and select one to anaylse and interpret
· Digitropia
· Circus
· Factory
Embed your chosen piece into your blog
2. Focus Questions ~ answer these on your blog
· Identify the imagery by listing what you see eg the subject matter; objects, shapes etc
· What is your overall impression of the mood of the work
· Watch and Listen for visual language cues, sound cues and editting
3. Anaylsis - see
· Notice the visual language used by Matreyek's eg colour, line, the quality of the movement, shapes, use of scale etc - list what you identify - help site: HERE and for specific film language: MISE-EN-SCENE
· Notice the sounds - list these identifying their type and quality
4. Interpretation
· What is your interpretation of the work?
· Survey friends and family ~ what do they think the work is about?
· Who do you think is the intended audience for Matreyek's work?
· How does visual language inform your interpretaion?
· How has Matreyek used sound with the animation images to create meaning?
Other works by Matreyek: Artist ~ and
Year 9 Creative Media
Appraising Animation
TASK : Watch excerpts from the work of Miwa Matreyek, Multimedia Artist.
Take notes on your blog and then write a 600 word appraisal of one of Matreyek's works.
Appraisal = Describe what you see and hear, Analyse the Media Language and Interpret the Meaning
Use correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, referencing and bibliography.
1. Watch these sequences and select one to anaylse and interpret
· Digitropia
· Circus
· Factory
Embed your chosen piece into your blog
2. Focus Questions ~ answer these on your blog
· Identify the imagery by listing what you see eg the subject matter; objects, shapes etc
· What is your overall impression of the mood of the work
· Watch and Listen for visual language cues, sound cues and editting
3. Anaylsis - see
· Notice the visual language used by Matreyek's eg colour, line, the quality of the movement, shapes, use of scale etc - list what you identify - help site: HERE and for specific film language: MISE-EN-SCENE
· Notice the sounds - list these identifying their type and quality
4. Interpretation
· What is your interpretation of the work?
· Survey friends and family ~ what do they think the work is about?
· Who do you think is the intended audience for Matreyek's work?
· How does visual language inform your interpretaion?
· How has Matreyek used sound with the animation images to create meaning?
Other works by Matreyek: Artist ~ and
Monday, September 13, 2010
this is an experiment that brooke and i did trying to spread out ink without adding more because it just sept through but this didnt look very good under the camera.
p.s. I dont know why this video comes up Red??? We shot it in Black
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Week 5
At the end of week five Brooke and i have finished shooting our first three scenes. The next part we have to finalize is the ink scene bit this is the hardest scene in our whole film so it is probably going to take us a little while. We are going to try a few more ways to shoot the scene and hopefully by the end of week 7 we will have all of our scenes filmed so we can edit our whole movie and put it all together in week 8.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Scene 2 trial shoot
Last week Brooke and I decided to go down to the art rooms and trial different ways that we could shoot our ink scene. It wasnt as easy as we thought it would be. Mr Powell has been giving us other ways we could possible put the same message across without using ink so we will be trialing different ways to shoot scene two. In this video are some of the different ways we could shoot the ink pouring on paper...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Scene 2 - Trial
Yesterday Brooke and I went down to the art room to trial different ways that we could shoot scene two. It was a lot harder than we thought it would be. There are many different things that can ruin this scene. Scene we have to shoot this scene outside so we don't spill ink everywhere it could really screw up our movie because of the lighting!!! There are so many other things that could efffect our movie becasue of this scene! In this clip you will see three different ways that we could shoot this scene. We think we are going to use one of the two last ones. See what you think.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Term 3-
Next lesson Brooke and I are going to have our first attempt at recording our second scene. In this scene the two pieces of black paper that read love and hate are scrunched up in a ball and have ink poured over them and then the scene is reversed to make to look like the ink is being taken out. This scene will be the hardest scene to shoot because it will be really hard to record the ink falling from the bottle. i have a feeling it will take quite a few tries for brooke and myself to get this scene right!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Scene 1 : Draft 1
This was Brooke and my first try at scene 1. I think it turned out rather well but there are a lot of things that we can do to improve it. Instead of using yellow blu tack to stick down the black paper will and next time we will just hold them in place and make sure that the black light cord is not in the images.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Love Hate Ambigram
Brooke and I have been searching the internet for anything else we could use in our i stop movie and we found this.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The maroons recently won the first state of origin for 2010 which we all new they would so i thought i would make something to show my appreciation!!!
Trouble Blogging
At the moment brooke and i are still practicing all different ways to shoot our i stop motion but i am having alot of trouble uploading my videos. i have exported them and made them the right format to upload them to blogger but ut still wont work!!!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Practice Reversing
Today I had my first go at reversing frames. I will need to do this in my short film when we have to reverse the ink coming out of the paper. Here it is...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What we need
To make our I stop motion movie we need:
- Black paper
- White paper
- Scissors
- Ink
- Glue
- White cardboard
- Black paper
- White paper
- Scissors
- Ink
- Glue
- White cardboard
Brooke & My Storyboard

This is a scan of the story board for our I-stop motion. Unfortunately the piece of paper was too large so it was not able to get the whole image in but you can still get the basic image...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
For my assignment I have decided to do a stop motion. I chose it because i find it alot easier and a lot more fun than animationish.
I am also going to be doing my assignment with Brooke Rosche and we defiantly have our work cut out for us.
Synopsis -
Our short film is going to be about Love and Hate coming together and creating one thing.
I am also going to be doing my assignment with Brooke Rosche and we defiantly have our work cut out for us.
Synopsis -
Our short film is going to be about Love and Hate coming together and creating one thing.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I Stop Movie
Today was my first I-stop Motion movie... I started with a really basic movie of a garden with flowers butter flies and birds. I will end with a quote from one of My fave movies " I wish I could bake a cake and fill it with butterflies and rainbows and we could all eat it and be happy"( Mean girls)
I stop Motion
Today was my first I-stop Motion movie... I started with a really basic movie of a garden with flowers butter flies and birds. I will end with a quote from one of My fave movies " I wish I could bake a cake and fill it with butterflies and rainbows and we could all eat it and be happy"( Mean girls)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Term 2
This is my first time blogging in term 2. I have missed 2 weeks of school and am kind of behind in creative media. So far they have done a bouncing ball exercise and how to make people walk. My first lesson back we learnt how to add music to an animation. So far all that I have done is made this little boy walk:
We are now learning how to use I stop motion...
This is my first time blogging in term 2. I have missed 2 weeks of school and am kind of behind in creative media. So far they have done a bouncing ball exercise and how to make people walk. My first lesson back we learnt how to add music to an animation. So far all that I have done is made this little boy walk:
We are now learning how to use I stop motion...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How I created my Avatars Personality
My two avatars personalities were Serious and Happy. The tools that I used to exagurate this emotion was to:
- Make the firm mouth alot bigger
- I changed the eyes to real Navi eyes aswell as then changing the colour to a very deep orange
- I added star shapped freckles to make it look like they were tribal markings and normal freckles.
- I changed the colour of the hair to a very exotic green to make my avatar look less human like
- I also changed the colour of its skin to an unnatural purple which made it look great.
- Make the firm mouth alot bigger
- I changed the eyes to real Navi eyes aswell as then changing the colour to a very deep orange
- I added star shapped freckles to make it look like they were tribal markings and normal freckles.
- I changed the colour of the hair to a very exotic green to make my avatar look less human like
- I also changed the colour of its skin to an unnatural purple which made it look great.
Final Analysis

Through out this term we have been working with photoshop to create avatars. I found this unit very fun. I loved working with photoshop even though my name was constantly on the help list :). I think that I did quite well with the basics, such as masking, colouring, layering and inserting external pictures. As I said earlier though I was always on the help list because I would make really silly mistakes and I would need alot of help with things that I had not done very much before. Some times I would just ask if I was on the right track and just get Mr Powell to check if it looked okay.
Through out this term we have been working with photoshop to create avatars. I found this unit very fun. I loved working with photoshop even though my name was constantly on the help list :). I think that I did quite well with the basics, such as masking, colouring, layering and inserting external pictures. As I said earlier though I was always on the help list because I would make really silly mistakes and I would need alot of help with things that I had not done very much before. Some times I would just ask if I was on the right track and just get Mr Powell to check if it looked okay.
When it came to layering I think I did resonably well. I had different layers for all the different features and I learned how to put the different layers in the correct spot on the list so they would all show in the right order.
Over all I really liked this assignment. I really liked that there weren't to many restrictions as to what we could do. It was great having the freedom like that to use our imaginations and experiment with what we liked. I would get really frustrated when I accidently deleted a layer or did some thing really silly like forgetting to save when logged off and then had to do all my lessons work again.
This assignment was really good for me because I am a very visual learner. This assignment allowed me to experiment with all different things and then if I didnt like it I could just delete it and try something different. And as much as I hated it at the time I personally think that the emu and the frog really helped me because it really got all of the basic techniques into my head and it was alot easier for me to learn it by using all the techniques rather than just listening and watching.
When I am working I like to sit with a group because I am able to work indepenantly but when I get stuck often my friends who are sitting with me can usually help. When we are learning something I like it to be demonstrated on the smart board and talked about but I like to be able to do it by myself at the same time so I can do it step by step. I aslo hate learning everything in like one lesson ehich is why I really liked the way we did this unit because we learnt all of the techniques we needed over a series of lessons which made it easier to cope with.
I think that over the time period I spread my work load out resonably evenly and generally kept my blog up to date over tiem. I had a but of a problem with the saving of this project because I lost my USB about half way through the term which was not a problem at the start becasue I had every thing saved onto my school drive so I could work on it from there but near the end when I needed to have it on a USB so I could have it with me to upload on to my blog.
I am very pleased with my final result because I never thought in a million years that I would be able to do anything like I have over this past term.
If I had this time over I would probably do a lot more work at the start and really complete alot more at the start of the term so I could do my blog even better.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I have reached a point were i have done the same things to each avatar and they look great but theres something missing and i cant figure out what it is!!!! im afraid that if i do anything more it will ruin the whole thing but if i dont add anything more it will be too bare!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Happy Avatar
My Progress: I have now changed the colour of thhe skin, added freckles and srtarted working on the lips...
Monday, March 15, 2010
1st Happy Avatar Lesson
Today was the first lesson that i worked on my happy avatar. Today I cahnged the skin colour to try and match it to my serious avatar:

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Original Photos
I was supposed to upload these earlier but i forgot so here they are. These are my original photos for my avatars. My two emotions are serious an\gallery
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Work in Progess: Serious Avatar

Since my last post I have added freckles, changed the colour of the eyes and changed the size of the lips.
I am very happy with my wok so far.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
1st Lesson Working on my Serious Avatar

Today I firstly coloured in all of her skin to make it a really cool dark purple colour. I really like this especially with the light in the photo. I also found these really cool avatar eyes that i wanted on my avatar... heres what ive got so far and the avatar eyes.
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last week i tried some very detailed work and coloured my lips and the Irises of my eyes.... I really like it. I also did them in red but they make me look evil :)

Today I had my first try at colouring all of the skin of someone. I think it went reasonably well for my first time. I also tried to colour our teeth but only mine worked:( dont know why????
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Emotion 1: Surprise

Emotion 3: Sad

When most people are sad you can tell straight away. Most of the emotion is shown through the eyes and mouth. Usually the eyes are mostly closed and when they are really sad there would be tears coming out.
When you are sad your mouth is ussually curved down like a upside down u or open and making noise.
Emotion 3: Happy
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This lesson we learnt how to work on our faces.... i wanted to try something easy to start of so i decided to get really pink lips!!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Emu and Frog.....

This term we have been learning about photoshop and masking. Our first project was combining a tree frog with an emu. The steps we took were:
- Combining Images
- Resizing
- Flip horizontal
- Mask
- Apple T
-Apple U
Colour and Hugh Saturation
After we had done all of this we got our final Product: